Entertainment… or survival?

by   |   22/04/2024  55 Comments  [Jump to last]

What do you want for Everton? Entertainment… or survival?

Sean Dyche's tactics don't allow for entertainment. I've heard a lot of that. We all have. Realistic, fair-minded people know that the squad at his disposal is... awful.

Tarkowski, Branthwaite, Pickford. They're our three all-stars. I remain of the opinion that Amadou Onana will be a superb player in a better team, but for us, he's a luxury we don't really know how to utilise (and who is biding his time for a big move). Leaving us with three really good players who would almost certainly play for any team outside of the Sly Six.

Beyond that, we have one-legged wingers, non-attacking full-backs (Mykolenko is a superb old-school full-back, but he's no Baines, no Digne). We have carthorses and water carriers in midfield. They're good for what Sean requires, but none of them would be playing in teams that play pretty football (Gomes might have once, but he's now too slow). We have no players with the ability to carry the ball through the lines (despite his shortcomings, Iwobi did at least do that – but he was a forced PSR sale).

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All of this is to say, our team is a bit rubbish, an island of misfit toys. Even Carlo Ancelotti recognised this, choosing to play with a style which minimised risk and maximised the reward. Benitez failed to do this. Lampard failed to do this. They both tried different styles, neither of which worked. Benitez required wonder goals from Townsend which dried up. Lampard required individual brilliance from Richarlison and Gordon (but Richarlison was sold on the PSR deadline in 2022, Gordon sold after sulking like a little bitch because he wasn't sold to Chelsea).

Sean Dyche has gone down the David Moyes route. KITAP1 — Keep It Tight And Pinch One. It's fucking miserable to watch. But it's yielded the best points return in the past few years, despite an ever-deteriorating squad. For some, though, that isn't enough. We should thank the man, and move him on, for a sexier style of play. We pay to be entertained, right?

No thanks. I'll watch better teams to be entertained. I want Everton in the Premier League. Not because the Premier League is the "best league in the world" (fuck you, Sky), but because the finances require us to remain in it if we want to continue to be a going concern.

Sean Dyche won't entertain you. And fuck me, are some of the things he says in press conferences irritating. But I'll take the near guarantee of Premier League football over the very real jeopardy of a more entertaining coach relegating us because they're too stubbornly wedded to "stylish football" to mitigate the limitations of a very poor squad.

So again, I ask, what do you want? Entertainment… or survival?

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Jon Harding
1 Posted 22/04/2024 at 12:58:00
Is it too much to ask for a bit of both, Rob?

But I enjoyed your article, thank you, especially that Anthony Gordon line!

Ray Robinson
2 Posted 22/04/2024 at 13:10:05
I want both but survival in the Premier League first and foremost because it could be existential for us.

I don't like the brand of football we play but needs must. Leeds played a more exciting type of football but went down. Would their fans have tolerated a more pragmatic style?

Dyche is good at maximising the collective. Why play through midfield if you haven't got the speedy, dynamic up-and-down players? Our midfielders are too slow and lack creativity.

Getting the most out of a disparate bunch is Dyche's forte. With better players, I'd want far more. But we're not there yet.

Barry Rathbone
3 Posted 22/04/2024 at 13:24:02
Play to your strengths is one of the oldest maxims in football. The Brazil side of 1970 were possibly the greatest of all time because they did what they did best – play with flair.

Bar 1982, Brazil have gone to shite because of trying to emulate European physicality; any team trying stuff they're not capable of gets found out.

I can't see how anyone can look at this squad and think anything beyond basic footy is possible.

Peter Mills
4 Posted 22/04/2024 at 13:33:31
Rob, for me it's all about survival in the Premier League for this season, sort out the takeover, survive again next season, move into the new stadium, and see where we can go from there.

Entertaining it ain't, essential it is.

Len Gowing
5 Posted 22/04/2024 at 13:37:10
I get as frustrated as the next person, however, I haven't seen mentioned that the 2nd goal yesterday involved a sequence of 16 passes and the only players not to touch the ball in the lead up to the goal were Harrison & Young.

I seem to remember earlier in the season a similar goal with 20+ passes. Yes, it may be dire at times; however, there are nuggets in there.

John Chambers
6 Posted 22/04/2024 at 13:37:52
Survival is the key for the next 18 months. We have a very limited squad, no money to spend to improve the squad, and a persistent threat to the financial future of the entire club.

Staying in the Premier League this season and next, resolving the club ownership positively (whether that be 777 Partners or someone else) and completing the move to the new stadium at Bramey-Moore Dock in August 2025 should significantly change the economics around the club for the better and, from that point,we can then look to add quality to the team.

Until then, though, I'm afraid we need to be “Dogs of War” rather than “School of Science”.

Danny Baily
7 Posted 22/04/2024 at 13:40:52
Survival. For some, relegation is an option. For us, given our current circumstances, it would threaten our continued existence. So it's all about survival.

We're halfway through our run of 'winnable' games against Burnley, Forest, Brentford and Sheff Utd, having won both so far. Even given the Luton result at the weekend, there's still very little room for error, and the Sheff Utd match is a must, must win.

Tony Abrahams
8 Posted 22/04/2024 at 13:57:50
I moaned about Bill Kenwright for years because I believe he put the club into survival mode, so I found it a bit ironic reading that title, Rob, when you consider it was the man who was just holding on and his billionaire accountant who have put Everton Football Club, into such a horrible position.

The points deduction, coming after a few years of the squad constantly being made to be weakened because of appalling mismanagement, came at a time when the Everton players, who had been playing under real pressure for the last couple of seasons, were just beginning to relax a little bit and had even started playing some decent football.

Yesterday wasn't great but almost everyone inside the stadium could see how tense the Everton players were because most of the crowd were also a bag of nerves. That is how I currently see things anyway.

John Pendleton
9 Posted 22/04/2024 at 18:58:32
Len #5 It was Beto's goal in our 3-0 demolition of Newcastle United.

Tony #8 Agree with your last point. The same team that ‘entertained' against the skunks were the same team that ‘survived' against Forest.

The difference is almost certainly mental and the points deductions must have played a part in the fear/confidence and siege/scapegoat mentality.

We're slow and predictable with a better defence than attack. Yet with no money or new players, Dyche has bettered last season's points tally by 2 (deductions aside) with 5 games to go.

Giving our finances Rob, anything other than survival is unthinkable. Who knows, we may reach safety with 3 games to go and then shackles off, entertainment is back on the agenda.

Jay Harris
10 Posted 22/04/2024 at 19:09:02
I was about to make the same point.

The manager and the players have been hit with a weakened squad, injuries at the wrong time, psr and dodgy decisions (Please note Forest fans) and a pantomime of a takeover.

Is it any wonder their nerves are shattered and their ability and energy is affected.

Once we get a better squad and more confidence I think we will see better football combined with successful results.

We can and should do better than SD but we can and have done a lot worse.

Robert Tressell
11 Posted 22/04/2024 at 19:33:14

First and foremost I want silverware.

Entertainment should be a big part of that, as it is with successful clubs generally - because success can only be achieved with very talented players on the books.

That's why I've wanted, for a long time now, for us to adopt a player development strategy that the likes of Brighton have since used to such good effect. Without vast wealth, it is the only way we can get hold of players with genuine quality and stand a chance of competing for silverware - just as Leverkusen have just done with a squad of very talented players.

However, I appreciate that these things take time.

One of the reasons we are in such dire straits is because we tried to short cut our way to success (in the most predictably stupid ways too).

So our most immediate need (whether I want silverware and entertainment or not) is to avoid relegation. If we get relegated we could go out of business as a club. It is that serious.

It is very clear from years of data that teams who ship goals get relegated. Despite a bad side that has escaped in unlikely circumstances for two seasons on the trot, we are now comfortably mid-table - based almost entirely on our mean defence.

Simply shifting tactics to a more adventurous style might result in a few more goals - but will almost certainly result in more goals against too. There is no visionary manager out there who can square that circle with our squad and our budget.

It is boring and it demeans us as a club, but it is the right thing to do for so long as we remain destitute and unable to benefit from a long term youth development strategy.

It is unlikely to change next season either - because we cannot simply magic up talent with no budget to do so. Brighton develop these players over many seasons, often using the loan system. They do not really buy anyone low budget who is first team ready straightaway.

Personally, I think that if Dyche ever gets the opportunity to use players of the talent of Richarlison and Gordon and Sigurdsson in attacking positions then we'll see some entertaining football. But the reality is that whether it is Dyche or whoever else, we are probably 2 to 3 seasons away from having a squad of any real quality.

Robert Tressell
12 Posted 22/04/2024 at 19:33:14

First and foremost I want silverware.

Entertainment should be a big part of that, as it is with successful clubs generally - because success can only be achieved with very talented players on the books.

That's why I've wanted, for a long time now, for us to adopt a player development strategy that the likes of Brighton have since used to such good effect. Without vast wealth, it is the only way we can get hold of players with genuine quality and stand a chance of competing for silverware - just as Leverkusen have just done with a squad of very talented players.

However, I appreciate that these things take time.

One of the reasons we are in such dire straits is because we tried to short cut our way to success (in the most predictably stupid ways too).

So our most immediate need (whether I want silverware and entertainment or not) is to avoid relegation. If we get relegated we could go out of business as a club. It is that serious.

It is very clear from years of data that teams who ship goals get relegated. Despite a bad side that has escaped in unlikely circumstances for two seasons on the trot, we are now comfortably mid-table - based almost entirely on our mean defence.

Simply shifting tactics to a more adventurous style might result in a few more goals - but will almost certainly result in more goals against too. There is no visionary manager out there who can square that circle with our squad and our budget.

It is boring and it demeans us as a club, but it is the right thing to do for so long as we remain destitute and unable to benefit from a long term youth development strategy.

It is unlikely to change next season either - because we cannot simply magic up talent with no budget to do so. Brighton develop these players over many seasons, often using the loan system. They do not really buy anyone low budget who is first team ready straightaway.

Personally, I think that if Dyche ever gets the opportunity to use players of the talent of Richarlison and Gordon and Sigurdsson in attacking positions then we'll see some entertaining football. But the reality is that whether it is Dyche or whoever else, we are probably 2 to 3 seasons away from having a squad of any real quality.

Nick Page
13 Posted 22/04/2024 at 19:48:46
Any truth in this rumour, anyone?

Danny O’Neill
14 Posted 22/04/2024 at 19:52:06
Peter Mills and Tony say it all.

2-0 up but an absolute bag of nerves on Sunday, especially when the additional time got added on. But we won.

Just keep winning, Everton. The entertainment can come later. I just want my Everton back.

Dave Abrahams
15 Posted 22/04/2024 at 20:22:54
Being honest, anyone asking for entertainment with this squad is asking for trouble. Getting survival with this squad, and we're nearly there, Dyche has done very well in my opinion.

With all that has gone on behind the scenes, point losses, no real money to spend, injuries, striker injured for long spells and no proven striker to stand in for him, I think Sean Dyche has done bloody marvellous.

And that was before yesterday's win! Although I realise others are entitled to and will disagree.

Paul Tran
16 Posted 22/04/2024 at 20:37:50
If I was managing a team with no goalscorers or pace, and no means to effectively bring either in, I'd focus on the defence, which, bar the odd blip, Dyche is doing very well.

I haven't felt entertained since Martinez's first season. Several managers have been and gone, lots of players have arrived and gone at great expense. Most of these players had a track record of not scoring goals.

I'm blaming Moshiri, Kenwright, Brands and the previous managers, not Dyche.

Survival for me, especially with the financial restraints.

Christine Foster
17 Posted 22/04/2024 at 20:49:07
Dave, I agree, I think he has done what needed to be done which, considering the circumstances, is highly commendable. It's not entertaining but, given the squad, entertainment is a stretch too far in terms of expectation. I don't like it, don't want it, but it's the medicine we have to take after years of mismanagement.

It's also why, once a new owner is in place, Dyche will almost certainly be shown the door. The Premier League is being about bringing the most entertaining football to a global market, club success is therefore tied to it. Dyche and Allardyce are grafters employed when clubs need to get the basics right.

Christine Foster
18 Posted 22/04/2024 at 20:57:24
Rob, it's a fair question, style over survival, but your reference to Gordon "sulking like a little bitch" is demeaning to the few women on here who read or contribute. It characterises women in a sexist and ridiculing way. Disappointing.
Rob Jones
19 Posted 22/04/2024 at 21:30:22
Christine, I genuinely apologise. I don't see it like that, and it certainly wasn't meant like that. As daft as it sounds, I don't think of it as a gendered term. But I'll defer to your reading.

I'm sorry.

Neil Copeland
20 Posted 22/04/2024 at 22:32:58
Rob, for what it's worth I didn't read it that way but I can see Christine's point.

Good article though which I enjoyed, thanks.

Dyche is the right man for the current situation, it's just as well he has skin like a rhino though. A mate and I met him at the Services on the way back from the Brighton game. He came across very well, likeable and extremely courteous. It was also clear that he feels the pain of every missed opportunity. Seemed very genuine to me.

Mike Gaynes
21 Posted 22/04/2024 at 23:20:24

Be in the Premier League when the new stadium opens.

Nothing else matters now.

And there's nobody I'd rather have handling it than Dyche.


Michael Kenrick
22 Posted 23/04/2024 at 08:19:41
Never mind the women, Christine, my Ruby the Dobbie had much more reason to be offended when I read it out to her!
Danny O’Neill
23 Posted 23/04/2024 at 08:31:40

I am already emotional about leaving Goodison. Don't let her last season be in the second tier. She doesn't deserve that.

Christine, it doesn't matter who we are. We are Evertonians.

I've had female supporters tell me to get a grip of myself on many occasions. From being told to stop panicking when 4-1 up to being told to stop panicking.

We are all the same. Keep posting, Christine. You speak words of Everton wisdom from experience.

Christopher Timmins
24 Posted 23/04/2024 at 08:54:14
Danny, in fairness, the younger generation, anyone who is under 35, will not have remembered too many good times at the Old Lady.

A fresh start is needed, new owners who can bring stability to the club and a new stadium which will hopefully signal more successful times for the club in the future. The Old Lady has run her course.

Danny O’Neill
25 Posted 23/04/2024 at 09:15:40
I know, Christopher. I was fortunate along with my middle brother to witness great moments at the Grand Old Lady. That's why it upsets me about leaving even though I know it's the right thing to do.

My youngest brother was 5 years old when we last won a trophy. My son was 5 months old.

They often shake their heads in disbelief when I go off on my ramblings!!

But I understand. They've had nothing other than disappointment. It's tough for them. But they still keep going.

Respect to the younger generation.

Lee Courtliff
26 Posted 23/04/2024 at 09:36:01
How anyone can say Dyche is doing "a marvellous job" after we've gone 4 months without a Premier League win whilst playing centre-backs at right-back and a near 40-year-old on the right wing because he's terrified of playing young players, I have no idea!?!

Dyche did well early in the season when the likes of Patterson and Dobbin were getting plenty of minutes, the football was decent enough and, after a slow start, we won 8 League games between September and mid-December. I was happy with him and more than pleasantly surprised.

But, the last few months have been some of the most frustrating times I've witnessed in years, mainly down to Dyche being so inflexible and his clear favouritism to certain players. He started doing the exact same thing he did at Burnley, and that's why I never wanted him as our manager.

But he is our manager and we have to support him and the club as we are definitely on the brink of disaster. I'm not asking for entertainment, just please don't pick Ashley Young on the right fuckin wing and maybe give our young players a fair crack of the whip.

You know, as you're more than happy to let 'experienced players' make the most basic errors, then pick them, week after week after fuckin' week!

Christine Foster
27 Posted 23/04/2024 at 09:47:03
Rob, that's okay, I'm no snowflake, goodness where I was brought up it was an invitation from another female to sharpen their nails and give as good as you got. But to hear it from a male is the prelude to asking for one in the wotsits!

Disappointed with Gordon, lack of morale fibre or just sold to pay the bills? Probably both... survival it has to be. Fingers crossed that we may soon close the Russian Chapter..

Brian Harrison
28 Posted 23/04/2024 at 09:53:45
I don't think anyone at this time is wanting anything but to stay in the Premier League. I also understand that, without the points deductions, we would now be guaranteed Premier League football.

Even though I am not Dyche's biggest fan, I do recognise he has had to work without an owner or chairman which must be extremely difficult.

Also at this time of the season with our future in the Premier League still unsure, and players out of contract, again another headache for Sean Dyche.

I also understand fans saying he is the right man for the job now, but some of the football he has us playing is some of the worst I have seen from an Everton side.

He has brought in Young, Danjuma, Harrison, Beto and Chermiti, but I struggle to see how any of these players have improved the squad he took over.

I don't think Harrison or Danjuma are as good as Demarai Gray and is Beto or Chermiti any better than Simms or Dobbin, who Dyche has ignored for most of the season when he was fit?

Obviously when anybody questions the manager, supporters of the manager always ask "Well, who could get this team playing better" and "If selecting the right manager was easy, maybe we wouldn't have been fighting relegation for the last 3 years."

But there are managers out there who have done a great job with their clubs who we could have got. Gary O'Neill at Wolves and he did a similar job for Bournemouth; Riola who took over from O'Neill at Bournemouth; who had even heard of De Zerbi before he turned up at Brighton?

Mark Taylor
29 Posted 23/04/2024 at 09:55:01
Generally, it's not a binary choice. Most of the clubs in the league both entertain and survive.

For some, arguably including us, there isn't even a choice. Are we really thinking this current squad, if only Sean would take the handbrake off, would be spraying it around like Arsenal on a good day?

Paul Hewitt
30 Posted 23/04/2024 at 10:06:47
Lee @26.

We should have 38 points and be safe with 5 games to spare. We are still in the Top 5 for goals conceded. And only Man Utd have kept more clean sheets.

Marvelous job? Maybe not. But it's positive progress

Rob Dolby
31 Posted 23/04/2024 at 10:10:03
Under the circumstances, we don't have a choice. It has to be survival.

The only entertaining we would be doing is making the opposition teams happy if we tried to play open football.

Bring Pep in to replace Dyche, what do people think would happen?

All of a sudden Calvert-Lewin turns into Haaland and Onana turns into De Bruyne?

Someone mentioned last week that we should copy Liverpool's formation and play 3 up top, each to their own but we aren't playing a computer game here, we just haven't got the quality.

I think Dyche has done a remarkable job and with another few points should see us safe. Is he the long-term answer ? Probably not but he has been a great appointment for our club.

Despite the term hoofball being used a lot I have seen us play some good stuff this season, but not capitalise in the final 3rd.

The squad is threadbare hence why a 39-year-old has played in multiple positions this season. We have 2 loan players and players at the end of their contracts yet Dyche and his team are still motivating them to perform.

I have been impressed with Burnley this season, they play nice football under a progressive manager. They have spent a lot of money for a club of their size and still have an outside chance of staying up. Would we swap positions with them now? Probably not.

As soon as the takeover happens, Dyche will be sacked and we start again with whoever else.

I am grateful to Dyche and his team for what they have got out of our squad this season. People wanting fantastic football must be oblivious to the facts.

We have sold our best players, can't buy anyone, had to sell young prospects, bring in loan players, had 2 points deductions, the owner wants to sell, no board of directors, in debt up to our eyes, and we will be in the same spot next season!

Christopher Timmins
32 Posted 23/04/2024 at 10:10:05

From reading your dispatches during the course of the season, one thing that is quite remarkable is the number of young people who support the team. The level of commitment they show is off the charts.

Danny O’Neill
33 Posted 23/04/2024 at 10:20:29
You only have to see it on the concourses at the away matches, Christopher. It fills me with pride as much as a feeling of guilt. But we are born into Everton. Their time will come.

As I mentioned on my own report, that young kid stood on his seat roaring us on when we were 5-nil down at Chelsea!

Total respect, Young Blues.

James Marshall
34 Posted 23/04/2024 at 10:48:08
We're not alone in thinking this – if you go on any Premier League club's fan forum, the complaints are the same as ours: play shit football, boring to watch, player X/Y/Z are all shit, the manager should be sacked, all refs are bent, hate the Top 6 etc.

Even on the fan pages for the Top 6 clubs, they mostly make the same complaints.

The problem in my view, is the Premier League product and the way it's marketed. It isn't just an individual club, or Everton-specific problem.

We've spent the last 30 years being told it's the best league in the world, with the most excitement, the best managers, best players and best 'competition'. And this in a nutshell is why there's so much discontent – because, like our Government on Brexit, we've been sold a massive lie which lines the pockets of the elite. A lie which we all pander to, and all expect to be true, even if it's buried in our subconscious.

We simply cannot be entertaining and survive in a top-heavy league where all the best players are scooped up by all the top teams - of which, 14 clubs are not a top team.

So what are we left with? Survival. That's absolutely the name of the game for the majority of teams in the Premier League, and the clubs internally know this very well, and are happy to play the game as long as they get the tokens (cash) for the system.

We all fell for it hook, line & sinker in the 9's – the promise of the best players coming to all our clubs was there for all to see.

Middlesborough signing players like Ravenelli and Juninho, Bolton with Jay Jay Okocha, Newcastle with Tino Asprilla, Everton with, err Vinny Samways, these unfashionable clubs with exciting players with fancy names showing up with flair, skill, pace and grace and we all thought the promised land had arrived. It hadn't. It never did. It was only ever that: promised but never guaranteed.

Club owners now simply want to exist to gather up the coins, and we, the supporters, are a mere footnote to the pots of gold they lavish upon themselves.

Ian Bennett
35 Posted 23/04/2024 at 10:59:59
Stuck in a quagmire with a squad short on quality. The only positive is that we are freeing up more wages – the issue is we don't have the money to buy anyone.

Free or Released:

1. Gomes
2. Coleman
3. Alli
4. Young
5. Lonergan
6. Gueye (I would keep him)
7. Danjuma
8. Harrison

Sold probably:

1. Onana
2. Branthwaite
3. Patterson
4. Godfrey
5. Keane
6. Holgate
7. Maupay
8. Calvert-Lewin

That's 16 players from a 25-man squad – assuming we don't hit administration. Tough times

James Hughes
36 Posted 23/04/2024 at 11:21:25
Just survival for me please, apart from a scrappy, backs-to-the-wall 1-0 win tomorrow. That will be the entertainment I need. COYB

I have seen a couple of articles this week about how the Premier League is holding football back and preventing growth. Who would've thought that, eh?

On a side note, I think that all the whinging from Forest will come back to bite them in the nethers. There has been quite a bit of pushback from all relevant parties.

Mal van Schaick
38 Posted 23/04/2024 at 11:50:55
I don't care how we do it this season, win ugly and stay in the Premier League. I have it that we are in the realms of 5 to 7 points for survival as it stands, but we may get our 2 points back? So, that may mean just 5 points.

If we see a win or draw on Wednesday, that would be a bonus. A win or draw against Brentford. Wins against Luton and Sheffield United should be enough. I can't see anything away at Arsenal unless we are Champion spoilers to crown Man City.

Next season: new owners and a few ins and outs, but we should try and keep the core of our better players and stay within P&S rules.

Tom Bowers
39 Posted 23/04/2024 at 12:21:40
Since when has any football club given ''entertainment'' as it used to be.

The days are long gone ever since the dreaded ''keep ball'' system became a disease and players became robots.

Watching some teams trying to play the ball out of defense is farcical at times, especially Everton.

Man City and Arsenal can be entertaining but many teams just want to win no matter how ugly the match is.

Danny O’Neill
40 Posted 23/04/2024 at 12:52:51
I'll disagree with that, Tom.

I was always taught and coached to keep the ball. Man City do it well and go forward when the option is on. That is the difference. Having the options in front of you.

But keeping the ball is important or you are just punting it back to the opposition and giving them possession.

Laurie Hartley
41 Posted 23/04/2024 at 13:08:12
Survival will do me for the time being.

Having said that, I don't think Man City and Arsenal have the only system that can provide attractive football. The brand that Eddie Howe has Newcastle playing appeals to me. I really enjoyed the game last week when they took Spurs apart.

Mike Doyle
42 Posted 23/04/2024 at 13:25:23
Tony (#8).

Just looking at Ian's list (post #35). If he's correct, we'll need lots of extra players from somewhere – so time to get your boots out of the attic and dusted down.

Am I correct in thinking that you are not much older than Ashley Young?

Jerome Shields
43 Posted 23/04/2024 at 13:32:23
It is about survival. Scaping a win or draw. Keeping pressure on other teams in the relegation zone so they may falter.

Fine margins, luck… swings and roundabouts… and gamesmanship.

Brian Williams
44 Posted 23/04/2024 at 13:44:51
The answer's pretty obvious if you have to make a choice between one or the other.

I think the author's done young Jimmy Garner a disservice in his mentions.

I consider Garner the best "footballer" at the club. With the right support around him, that would become much more obvious.

Billy Shears
45 Posted 23/04/2024 at 13:50:52
Gotta be surviving the drop first and foremost, staying in the top league is of paramount importance for our club, but heads must roll when our new owners come in.

Real investment is needed in our playing squad or this shite will simply happen season after season. We all need some real hope of improving and competing again for major honours. So hopefully entertaining footy will still happen sooner rather than later… but survival for now, thanks.

Mike Gaynes
46 Posted 23/04/2024 at 15:17:39
James #34, that is a fantastic post.

Liam Mogan
47 Posted 23/04/2024 at 15:42:12
A police car and a screaming siren,
A pneumatic drill and ripped up concrete,
A baby wailing and stray dog howling,
The screech of brakes and lamp light blinking,
That's entertainment, that's entertainment
– Paul Weller

'Are you not entertained?' - Maximus

Entertainment? What does it even mean? Spent an hour arguing with my dad after the Burnley game. Apparently they play better football than us.

If better football equals losing 3 games and not scoring, then you can stuff it. I just want to win. That's where my entertainment comes from.

Give me someone like Simeone anyday – challenging the big boys with limited resources, a defensive strategy and squeezing every last drop. If you want aesthetics go and watch the ballet.

COYB — let's spoil that twat's leaving do.

Tony Abrahams
48 Posted 23/04/2024 at 17:26:53
I might have been able to do it when I was 20, Mike @42, but the thing about football is that it looks easy from the sidelines when the total opposite is actually true!

Paul Ferry
49 Posted 23/04/2024 at 18:07:33
Survival, needless to say, for now, but we need root and branch self-examination over the summer with everything on the table, including Dyche's position.

Meanwhile, in other news: how can you trust someone's judgment about anything if they have the "wherewithal" to type rubbish like this:

Barry Rathbone @3: "Bar 1982, Brazil have gone to shite because of trying to emulate European physicality; any team trying stuff they're not capable of gets found out".

That's right, "shite", Brazil have only been champions of the world twice since 1982 and since that year they have always been associated with "physicality" rather than good footy. Jesus wept.

Mike Gaynes
50 Posted 23/04/2024 at 18:19:09
Barry Glendenning of the Guardian today described Moyes' West Ham style as the "managerial equivalent of the missionary position."

I shudder to think how the Dyche skeptics here would describe his style at the moment.

I'd call it a briss. Painful but necessary.

Rob Jones
51 Posted 23/04/2024 at 18:33:30
Way to lower the tone, Mike. :P (also, the Guardian, like pretty much every British newspaper, is utter garbage)

Paul, root-and-branch would be nice, but I don't trust anyone in the present or rumoured incoming hierarchy to carry out that assessment.

Given the amount of players who will be going out of contract, our lack of financial muscle to bring in better players, and the complete paralysis at the top of our club, I'd stick with Sean Dyche. For the reasons I've given already.

Paul Ferry
52 Posted 23/04/2024 at 18:36:53
Why, by the way, are we even having this conversation?

We all know that we "play beautiful football", that "we don't know the meaning of losing", that we are "up for the league and up for the cup", and, to cap it all, we are "on the up and up".

Neil Copeland
53 Posted 23/04/2024 at 18:39:40
Paul, so “get down to Goodison Park, woooooh”
Barry Rathbone
54 Posted 23/04/2024 at 18:53:53
1994 and 2002 Brazil the equal of the glorious 1970 and 1982 variants according to my resident stalker.

Not only bipolar but nonsensical.

Tony Abrahams
56 Posted 23/04/2024 at 20:48:45
I always thought Moyes, was a hard working but average football manager, but to be fair to him, he did deliver West Ham's, first trophy in 43 years not so long ago.
Liam Mogan
57 Posted 25/04/2024 at 09:37:33
Great entertainment last night!

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