25/08/2023 20comments  |  Jump to last

This 'Special Report' appears in The Telegraph, claiming that, with fans mutinous, former employees fear Everton are drifting towards an abyss under Farhad Moshiri and Bill Kenwright.

However, the article dwells to a significant degree on Kenwright and his determination to carry on as beleaguered Everton Chairman despite mounting fan opposition and his own ill-health.

However, with just an interim CEO rather than his trusted ally Barrett-Baxendale to prop him up, Kenwright plugs on in his London Everton shrine. “He’s a fanatic,” explains one friend when asked about Kenwright’s refusal to walk away. “He is the ultimate supporter... He still believes he is the only man who can turn this around.”

» Read the full article at The Telegraph

Reader Comments (20)

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Kevin Molloy
1 Posted 25/08/2023 at 16:44:02
You know when you read that article, Nick, that Bill is doing just fine. No health worries there, as manipulative as ever.
Kieran Kinsella
2 Posted 25/08/2023 at 16:59:48

The Telegraph article basically quotes a fey ex staffers and execs saying that Moshiri doesn't want to waste any more money on the club and that Bill believes he is the only person who can run Everton. So pretty much the usual fair they roll out about every 6 months.

Nick Page
3 Posted 25/08/2023 at 17:01:13

I've just read it. Absolutely unbelievable. Not one single question raised to the litany of mistakes made at board level for 20+ years of this man's tenure. It's nothing more than an ode to Bill, the Great Chairman who IS Everton.

“ However, with just an interim CEO rather than his trusted ally Barrett-Baxendale to prop him up, Kenwright plugs on in his London Everton shrine. “He's a fanatic” explains one friend when asked about Kenwright's refusal to walk away. “He is the ultimate supporter... He still believes he is the only man who can turn this around.”

And they end with this

“ The man from theatreland is not ready for his curtain call just yet.”

Vomit. We are totally and utterly beholden to this man with an ego the size of BMD (which incidentally the article talks to as, “the stadium development is instead talked up internally as his legacy piece.”). He'll never go. He'll haunt from beyond the grave, I have no doubt.

Barry Hesketh
4 Posted 25/08/2023 at 17:03:31

Bill's mates rally round again, we'll never escape from his clutches!

Moshiri has the power to remove Bill, if he wants to, so why hasn't he? What use is a nigh-on 78-year-old man in bad health? What has he got to offer the football club that somebody else, indeed anybody else, could offer?

Nick Page
5 Posted 25/08/2023 at 17:03:32
Must have written it himself.
Kevin Molloy
6 Posted 25/08/2023 at 17:14:16
Not since Tony Blair has there been such an influencer. Of course, once you see through the spiel, it becomes most annoying to see him spinning his yarns and watching people swallow it.

No doubt when we've been liquidated, there will be people saying "He did his best".

Andy Crooks
7 Posted 25/08/2023 at 17:24:50
Nick Page,

I've disagreed with you quite a few times. However, much as I admire your disdain for the odious Kenwright, I despise him more than you!!

Honestly, Nick, how does this charlatan, liar, fraud, fantasist and utterly contemptible piece of filth get away with it?

Nick Page
8 Posted 25/08/2023 at 17:49:05
No idea, Andy. Absolutely no idea at all.

I think he thinks that, without him we'd be fucked and us fans don't see all his hard work and we're an ungrateful bunch of plebs.

Kenwright's whole ethos is completely anachronistic.

Mike Hayes
9 Posted 25/08/2023 at 17:49:19
Andy Crooks – papers like the feckin' Telegraph who continually blow smoke up his jacksy. 🤷🤡💙
Barry Rathbone
10 Posted 25/08/2023 at 18:29:02
If Moshiri has effectively washed his hands of the club and the loud kids get their way, do the cognoscenti think the show will improve if Kenwright leaves this coming Monday and how?

What specific measures will be introduced to immediately improve matters? Whoever steps up will almost certainly have no money and likely very few meaningful contacts in the game?

How is it going to work?

Dennis Stevens
11 Posted 25/08/2023 at 19:34:38
Aye, Barry, things could get even worse. Be interesting to find out though.
Kim Vivian
12 Posted 25/08/2023 at 20:24:51
I have a real sinking feeling about this independent commision in October. I'm thinking that maybe it is worse than we imagine, any information we hear wrapped in cloak and daggers and vague in the extreme.

It's been said often in flippant terms, but what if there is actually a money laundering allegation and Russian links?

If that's the case, then it is individuals who should be taking the flak, not the club – particularly being mindful that the individuals have evidently given up on the club entirely as it appears.

Could the club actually be expelled from the league, Rangers-like? and mid season?

My thoughts just spiral into ever worse scenarios, and I am unsure what the significance of the October date is. Can anyone enlighten me?

I'm just not sure there will be a club as we know it left to support by Xmas (and I'm known for my optimism).

Brian Williams
13 Posted 25/08/2023 at 20:35:40
Kim, and I mean this kindly. Get a grip!
Barry Hesketh
14 Posted 25/08/2023 at 20:36:02
Kim @11,

If it was anything to do with Russian money, we'd have been put up for sale, as were Chelsea.

We don't know exactly what the charge is, it ranges from overspending and breaking Profitability and Sustainability rules to some dodgy accounting, taxation issues, relating to loans for the new stadium.

I'm more concerned about what happens on the pitch prior to 25 October and I'll worry about the outcome of the independent commission when it announces its findings.

Deborah Maria
15 Posted 25/08/2023 at 20:44:07
Barry @9,

We will have a united fan base and his successor couldn't do any worse.

Kim Vivian
16 Posted 25/08/2023 at 20:49:38
Abramovich's relationship to Chelsea was quite different to Usmanov's with Everton and Moshiri. Just saying, like.
Kieran Kinsella
17 Posted 25/08/2023 at 20:53:06
It reminds me a lot of Robert Maxwell with the Daily Mirror pensions or Bernie Madoff -- two others who refused to let others look into their financial affairs and were lauded by those working for them and their clients/contacts.

This whole Telegraph article where "only Bill can save the club." Just makes me wonder what kind of scheme he has weaved together with the shell company run by the clogger from Riverdance, and who provided the money for said fund.

Who profits from it? What happened to the Arteta money? People were ridiculed for questioning Charles Ponzi right up until he showed everyone to be mugs.

Alan J Thompson
21 Posted 26/08/2023 at 12:08:58
Bill Kenwright, our very own Trump.
Tony Paleo
22 Posted 27/08/2023 at 20:48:58
You wish Alan! There are tens of millions who would argue that Trump can do no wrong. Not sure you could find more than a handful of people that could say the same about Kenwright (and the hand may be missing some fingers)
Jim Lloyd
24 Posted 29/08/2023 at 09:22:34
Barry (10),

I'm not sure that Moshiri will leave just yet, if at all in the forseeable future.

How we will manage without Kenwright is what we will find out, once he goes, one way or another. What is certain, without doubt and undeniable is that this Chairman has left Everton Football Club teetering on the brink of relegation and insolvency.

For the sake of his own vanity, he lost us the King's Dock, he tried to take us to Kirkby and told us our ground wouldn't get a safety certificate, in order to convince us to move, then said he was glad we stayed, wouldn't agree to Sheik Mansour's bid to takeover Everton Football Club, unless he stayed as Chairman, then castigated Everton supporters whilst saying basically he forgives us! And all this time he's made himself 㿊 million or so while at our club.

There is no easy way that anything will improve the day, a week a month, or a year after this parasite goes. What will happen is, wherever we find ourselves, in this division or lower: and it could easily be either, is a black cloud will have lifted. We will be united in getting our club back to where we belong, no matter how long it takes.

There is absolutely no chance of unity as long as this man is involved in the club we support.

ps: Tony (22), good point.

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