01/09/2023 4comments  |  Jump to last

As it enters its second year, Everton's Fan Advisory Board held their first Twitter Space online open meeting on Thursday night.

The background of the FAB, how it was set up and established in Year 1 as an outcome of the much-vaunted Fan-led Review was summarised. The FAB questioning owner Farhad Moshiri was perhaps the highlight of their accomplishments last season along with lots of advocacy on behalf of the fans. 

Many of the misconceptions about the FAB and their remit were addressed, especially through the increasingly strained relationship with the Everton Board of Directors, where agreed attendance at FAB meetings was spurned by Board members.

The independence of the FAB was emphasised in comparison with examples at other clubs, all of whom are required to set up their own fan advisory boards. 

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A recording of the FAB Twitter Space open meeting is available online:


The FAB also has its own Everton's Fan Advisory Board website in addition to their presence on Twitter. The FAB meets monthly with meeting summaries posted on line.


Reader Comments (4)

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Peter Hodgson
1 Posted 06/09/2023 at 16:23:41
What is the point of Fan Advisory Board if the Directors and the Chairman are going to ignore them? More farcical 'Club engagement'. A true indication of what they do and think. It is a bad joke – just like Billy Liar.

Can the Premier League disqualify them as Directors as not being suitable?

ps: I forgot to mention the owner as being one of the potentially unsuitables too.

Michael Kenrick
2 Posted 07/09/2023 at 17:04:43
Finally got around to listening to the Twitter Open Space.

An awful lot of talk about talk, before any meat was discussed. Which was the Fan Engagement Plan. This was published by the club on 31 August 2023.

Alex was the first external voice on who wanted to talk about the ownership of the club and the dubious characters we now have. Fit and proper test. That led to more moaning about the Chairman and the Owner. "Vulture Capitalist" – only in it for a quick profit. [Hmmm... wonder how that's working?]

More concerns expressed about the ownership model versus the interests of the true fans and supporters… Stake.com on the replica tops versus Heritage assets. Keeping true to what the club stands for.

Moshiri and Kenwright changing the Articles of Association and removing AGMs. Small shareholders with emotional bond to the club. But Moshiri can do whatever he wants – he owns ~95% of the club.

More moaning about Saudi investment allowed in Newcastle.

Kenwright needs to leave – this was put to the club (before the MSP deal collapsed). As of now, the club is not providing any response because MSP have dropped out.

Paul the Esk came on with the most awful audio quality, asking the FAB about their role under the imminent existential threat of administration to the club's existence?

Club won't discuss the upcoming independent commission.

Paul insists that the club's future is threatened, and that there needs to be a plan for that future. Ken Sweeney then took on Paul, and restated the obvious, that Moshiri owns the club and what he says goes.

Sweeney claims that Moshiri has borrowed money against the club asset with the club playing the interest. [This is not true as Moshiri himself made interest-free loans which were then converted to equity in the club.]

Sweeney then throws in some conspiracy stuff about Everton, Man City up for sacrifice, to some nonsense about the Family Enclosure!

Dave Kelley wanted to talk about the fractured fanbase coming together, and getting three of the board members removed under the #AllTogetherNow banner. Everton are starring down a barrel, sanctions for administration would be the death of Everton. A vocal majority need to say we don't accept this.

Paul the Esk makes the point that Moshiri is quite definitely not an asset stripper but he is wholly incompetent to be running the club, and he has run out of money. Fans need to urgently come together to ensure change and to bring in competent professionals.

Michael Kenrick
3 Posted 07/09/2023 at 17:08:53
Some interesting counterpoint on the Ken Sweeney - Paul the Esk argument from GrandOldTeam forum:

Sweeney embarrassed himself and the FAB the way he got vicious and personal with the Esk on a space the other week. The whole thing had been about informing listeners what exactly the FAB is about and what motivations certain people like Pablo (Squatter) and Dave Kelly had for getting involved when they are vocally very anti-Kenwright and have been for years. They and Jazz spent an hour painstakingly explaining that the FAB needs the fanbase to support them and not tar them if the club does something stupid/bad. Thought it was a really good listen, until...

The Esk called in and to be honest made a bit of a daft point. He said the FAB needs to take Moshiri to task for his appalling mis-management. How are they supposed to do that exactly? Sweeney though went too far, instead of answering in a calm and rational way he got very personal and nasty with the fella. Why should anyone support a person whom speaks to another fan like that for asking a question? And why is he even on the FAB, nobody elected him as far as I can tell. He gets a spot as a representative of the official Everton Supporters' Club, and because he's mentioned in those Ian Ross emails it's led to the accusations he's a club stooge. That he went in the way he did because the club hates the Esk for publicly revealing just what an absolute state we're in.

There's some great people involved but personally I am not yet full convinced there aren't people on there who, if not plants, are in the club's pocket. Jazz stepping down I think is a good thing (hope his personal situation isn't serious). He seems a very good bloke but that Sky interview last year just ruined him in the eyes of so many, he said the exact wrong things, "I'm happy with the board", etc. He inadvertantly made it look like the anti-board sentiment wasn't a widespread thing. I hope Dave Kelly becomes permanent chairman, he has a line of contact with Kenwright and will be the best person to keep ramming home the point that the fanbase won't begin to trust the club again until he goes.

Barry Hesketh
4 Posted 07/09/2023 at 17:23:57
Only one man can alter the course of Everton's history and that's the guy who owns the club. If he's not interested, we need him to sell; if he is interested, he needs to employ a management team who are not attached emotionally to the club.

I suppose that's why 777 appeal to him, although they could prove to be worse than what we have now. No number of fans will persuade him to do anything that he doesn't want to do, unless those fans have the readies to stump up the cash to buy him out. I don't even think that Kenwright relinquishing his role would help the club at this time, although it may signal a break with the past.

People's expectations of FAB are far too high, they can only pose questions, and convey the grievances of the fans, they can't really dictate the way the club is run, or who runs it.

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