Don't let's be ghastly to Gordon

by   |   04/12/2023  48 Comments  [Jump to last]

Thursday night sees the return of one of our erstwhile heroes in Anthony Gordon.  The details of his departure from Everton may be unpalatable to some Blues, but we cannot deny the £40m initial fee from Newcastle Utd will almost certainly prevent a further P&S charge and, at the time, seemed like excellent business.

I would also suggest that, following the treatment meted out to him in Goodison Road, his leaving the club was inevitable.  What is it the Bible says: 'A prophet is not without honour, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household' — this is certainly true of Gordon

He is certainly getting honour now and looks to be enjoying his football more and more under Eddie Howe's tutelage.  So much so that he must be pressing Rashford for the left-wing England berth. 

While with Everton, Gordon certainly divided opinion as to his abilities; he infuriated me with the ease he went to ground but, no matter what, he never ever gave less than 100% and the improvement he has shown since heading to the Northeast proves beyond doubt that there was always an excellent footballer there. 

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The fact that, in the 6 years (I think it will be 6 years to the day on Thursday, since he made his debut for the Blues against Limassol) he spent at Everton (and Preston) he had 7 managers, not exactly conducive to a youngster developing his talent.

I hate the badge patting when he scores for the Barcodes – he had probably never been to Newcastle socially before his transfer – I suspect that he will celebrate if he scores on Thursday and I won't blame him.  He is one of ours and we should take the wind from his sails by, at the very least, ignoring him; booing will only strengthen his resolve and I personally would join in a chorus of 'Oh, Anthony Gordon'.

Following the weekend's games, the thought of what a fired-up Anthony Gordon and overlapping Livramento will do to the ponderous Ashley Young and inconsistent Jack Harrison scares me.  So we should give him no further reason to make a point and welcome back a player who always tried his best for us.


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Derek Knox
1 Posted 04/12/2023 at 10:11:50
Dave C,

I can't speak for others but my logic was, that even a slightly weakened Newcastle will be a handful for us at present, so we need to be in top form against them. Add in that our inexplicable home form is not great, we need all 11 players to be at their best.

Also Ashley Young is on 4 yellows already, and let's face it, his style does invite possible yellows more than most. So, if he did pick up another he would not only be on a tightrope during the game, but would have to be replaced next game too.

I know Patterson is comparatively inexperienced but of the 3 Right Backs we have surely he is the future, so how does he gain more 'needed experience' sat on the bench? I don't think he is a bad player even with limited game time, but again that is my view.

Dave Cashen
2 Posted 04/12/2023 at 10:34:41

I think (not 100% sure) I'm right in saying that Gordon is currently playing as Newcastle's main striker. That would put him up directly against Branthwaite and Tarkowski. I think I'm also right in saying they are both walking yellow card tight ropes (again not 100%). I know Doucoure is.

Losing Young through suspension is the least of our problems. We have two ready-made replacements.

This Newcastle team is full of dirty bastards, all capable of leaving a foot in and all proven divers. St Eddie has them well versed in the dark arts.

We can't become obsessed with who will get carded. That way lies certain defeat.

Let's get behind our boys (whoever is selected) and send the Geordie fuckers back up the road… pointless.

Rob Dolby
3 Posted 04/12/2023 at 11:43:24

Isak is their main striker. Gordon plays on the left and cuts in. He rarely goes on the outside as he can't kick with his left foot.

He is doing a lot better than most of us thought. Playing with better players helps.

Ernie Baywood
4 Posted 04/12/2023 at 12:28:14

I'm not sure that saying Ashley Young will struggle against pace really counts as a prediction. I'd say it's a fact.

In the first half, Forest were really poor. But they had one card they could play and that was to get it to Elanga up against Young. It gave them some success in a game that they weren't really in.

His selection is just an obvious place for even poor teams to target, never mind good ones.

Dave Abrahams
5 Posted 04/12/2023 at 14:59:58
Whether Anthony Gordon becomes a good signing or not, Everton are due to be paid an extra £5M very soon which was negotiated when he moved from the Blues to Newcastle.

It's payable after he's played so many games for Newcastle, that's according to The Times newspaper.

Barry Hesketh
6 Posted 04/12/2023 at 15:45:05
I'm a grumpy old so and so, and I was a lot younger when Duncan McKenzie returned to Goodison with Chelsea and he scored the opening goal of the game for the Londoners, which most if not all of the Everton fans applauded, thankfully Everton went on to win the match 3-2.

Unless, a player has been a major influence at Goodison, when they return with another club, I really don't think too much about them, good or ill.

I only see Blue shirts when I watch Everton, and unless something extraordinary happens such as the goal that the United player scored in our last home match, I pay little heed to the opponents of the day, even if their team contains a player that used to wear the Blue of Everton.

Jay Harris
7 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:01:44
Totally disagree Stephen.

He treated Everton with contempt and should be treated the same way.

I certainly do not want to hear any chants or cheering for him.

For this game I would play Patterson and Young instead of Harrison.

Ray Roche
8 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:17:29
And, once he got wind of a shed load of cash being offered by the Skunks he downed tools, didn’t he miss training etc? He means nothing to me now, I don’t care where he goes or what happens to him.
Dale Self
9 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:18:50
I would offer the graceful cold shoulder. Give him a decent welcome back and then kick the shit out of him, he’s a skunk now. The principle is the same as which applied to Moyes. A less than amicable exit hangs over their memory as part of this club

No hard feelings. Just fuck off and get your heavy shinpads on.

Soren Moyer
10 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:29:43
Anyone else see Gordon kissing Skunks' badge when he scored yesterday? For fuck's sake!
Ed Prytherch
11 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:30:32
Gordon has developed into a much better player than he was at Everton. The move to the Barcodes was a good one for all concerned.
Danny O’Neill
12 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:34:23
I don't care about Anthony Gordon.

On Thursday evening, all I care about is Everton.

Same as I do whenever I watch the blue boys. Another two trips to the homelands there and back in 4 days. One overnight, one a Sunday.

Then Burnley away and a cup quarter final.

But always worth the effort.

Just do o it blue boys. We are with you.

Here we go

Alan McGuffog
13 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:34:24
Barry I'll bet I'm a grumpier sod than you. I recall Jimmy Gabriel returning home in 67, for Southampton. We won fairly comfortably 4- 2 and I think the Angel scored for them.
He was received regally
Mark Ryan
14 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:37:01
Rooney did it, Soren. Made me sick back then and I've never forgiven him and that's why I see him as "Once a Blue and then he went Red".

I don't subscribe to the view that deep down he's really still a Blue. It's bollocks. No real respect for us. No real respect for anyone to be fair.

Kieran Kinsella
15 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:38:48
I think Stephen’s point partly is if we give him stick it fires him up and he does better. Don’t take the bait. Ignore him
Soren Moyer
16 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:42:25

Kissing the Man Utd badge I can live with that (maybe), but barcodes' badge? What the hell is he thinking! That's disgusting.

Les Callan
17 Posted 04/12/2023 at 16:59:45
I remember that Alan ……but Gabby was a proper player.
Dale Self
18 Posted 04/12/2023 at 17:07:23
Ed 5, the real voice of reason there. That is the centre of the affair but the rest will be a bit of fun.
Paul Ferry
19 Posted 04/12/2023 at 20:26:42
Great stuff Stephen!

How petty we will look if we greet Gordon with showers of boos and “fuck off Gordon”. We will be doing exactly what others will expect us to do. We need to rise above it. It’s hard, I know, but we will look so much better and our “appearance” counts right now.

Listen, I can’t stand our Tony and believe that he treated the club very shoddily and poorly (in a way that was hardly consummate with all that the club had done for him). He also treated the paying customers poorly with a series of shite performances that often made me think that his heart just wasn’t in it (he is red shite, when all is said and done). I can remember some energetic and very good performances, working hard off and on the ball, creating spaces, getting into good positions in and out of the box, good tracking back, the occasional goal.

A fair bit of that seemed to drain away over his last twelve months with us. I noticed the tone changing on the live-forum – that well-known elysian field of fair-mindedness, notable restraint, thinking before typing, zero attention-seeking, and down-to-earth pain-speaking – from admiration and support for the most part to the poison on the pitch for a good number of forumites. I turned too and the stuff towards the end, especially the down tools and his first skunk presser, told me all I need to know about the gobshite.

But please don’t boo him. He isn’t worth it. Quite the reverse, he will revel in it, switch into high gear, and score and then probably set up an assist as he seems to do that most games these days. We actually ended up doing well out of the deal. The cash up front was a real bonus. Would I wish that he had not gone and tried to get better with us: I’ll whisper it, yes. But he would not be doing with us right now what he is doing for the state and kingdom of Saudi Arabia. But what could be worse than being skunk and red shite at one and the same time?

Politely applaud his name once, when the team-sheets are read out.

Save all your anger and laughter or whatever for when the thick fat shirtless and gormless twats from the most impoverished part of our fair land start singing ‘Feed the scousers’, ‘Sign on’, ‘Cheats’ etc. And when they do, point at the thick skunks, they’re not hard to miss, they’re fecking massive with boss tits, and have a good old laugh at them.

Could someone make up a banner (or song) with Liverpool and Newcastle metropolitan area unemployment statistics?

Andy Crooks
20 Posted 04/12/2023 at 20:36:12
Dale Self has it right.
Indifference is what he deserved. Used to play for us, now he doesn't.
Paul Hewitt
21 Posted 04/12/2023 at 20:45:19
Give him hell is what I say. Little shit bag couldn't wait to leave us after downing tools.
Eddie Dunn
22 Posted 04/12/2023 at 20:50:03
The difference between Rooney and Gordon is plain to see. Wayne went on to have a stellar career! Anthony still has a long, long way to go.

Ignore him, don't cheer or boo the kid... we got good money for him. Move on.

Joe McMahon
23 Posted 04/12/2023 at 20:50:18
Agree with others, it will make us look pathetic booing him. Let's concentrate on supporting our team. He played for us, now he doesn't, it happens in football.
Tony Everan
24 Posted 04/12/2023 at 20:54:16
He's been playing on the left, so hold on to your hats if he is up against Ashley Young. He will ham it up to get Young booked early, defo got the potential to be the pantomime villain on Thursday.

The crowd will respond accordingly. Would absolutely love Seamus to be back and put in a great performance against him.

Brian Williams
25 Posted 04/12/2023 at 20:56:09
Well I'll not be ghastly to him, I'm going to jolly well ignore him.
Let's just see how he likes that!
Paul Ferry
26 Posted 04/12/2023 at 21:02:36
Read Paul Hewitt in reverse meaning, always works for me.
Jay Harris
27 Posted 04/12/2023 at 21:09:19
Just greet his name with silence. That will speak volumes.
Dave Abrahams
28 Posted 04/12/2023 at 21:11:17
Mark (14),

When Wayne Rooney kissed the badge, he'd taken a barrel full of pure hate off the Everton crowd.

I realised even back then that his transfer saved Everton financially along with Kenwright's arse. His football talent was unbelievable.

None of us wanted him to leave but it was inevitable, and Kenwright was the one who was glad to sell him for a lot less than he said he would.

Not all that long before he sold him, remember "I wouldn't sell him for £50M"? Rooney was a Saint compared to what Kenwright did to Everton.

Danny O’Neill
29 Posted 04/12/2023 at 21:47:02
Focus the energy on the boys in blue.Just like I've given up blaming managers, I've given up blaming players for the situation Everton are in. It's more institutional than that.

Anthony Gordon is an Evertonian but is now playing for Newcastle. His energy will be there.

I always like to see former players given a decent reception on their return. Especially one of our own.

I hope I don't hear the word "rat" as much as I did against Manchester United. The lad next to couldn't stop saying it every time a United player went down.

As Dave said about Rooney, more often than not, the clubs decide to sell players. The players are made the scape goat but if is more likely to have been a business decision. They are commodities and get on with their careers.

For the (just before me) older generation. Alan Ball.

Paul Ferry
30 Posted 04/12/2023 at 21:56:36
Mark (14), it might be an idea to move on.

You make no mention at all about the circumstances in which Wayne Rooney was sold which, according to him, was against his wishes and a last-ditch effort to cash in on him. You don't believe him? I most certainly do. I also know that, without the money we got for him, we would have been sinking under the waves.

The utter drivel vitriol and unreserved hate that Wayne Rooney got when he came back to Goodison was shameful and embarrassing. It should have been directed at the director's box.

Wayne Rooney is human and after all that, even though I still hate to see it, I for one can understand why he kissed the badge that day. Goodison was an emotional maelstrom that day, feelings for many zipped to fever-pitch, Wayne Rooney was one twat of many on that day, but he had more reason than most.

Can you please show me the slightest piece of evidence for your absurd claim that Wayne Rooney does not respect Everton? Evidence, not your subjective observations and interpretations. Tell his lads that he doesn't respect Everton. I'm actually a little saddened to read the twin posts 14 and 21 in this day and age (thank goodness for 28).

I wish Wayne Rooney every bit of luck in the world in his managerial career, although the lights have not been exactly bright so far.

Shane Corcoran
31 Posted 04/12/2023 at 21:57:39
Fuck me, a bible verse followed by always giving 100%. He didn't even turn up for work.

I couldn't care less if he's booed or not but he's a little shit in my eyes.

Danny O’Neill
32 Posted 04/12/2023 at 22:10:29
Rooney remained and remains an Evertonian. Even his son when he signed for the Manchester United academy declared that Everton were his club.

Quite honestly, we've got more to worry about than Anthony Gordon on Thursday.

I'll just focus on Everton. Not on a player who briefly done well for us, earned us a cheque and is doing well for his new club.,

Everton or not, it's not a new thing. Move on. All that matters are those is Royal Blue.

Lee Howard
33 Posted 04/12/2023 at 22:21:57
Unrelated, I noticed a few people finally giving Harrison a bit of stick, I've not rated him since he started. Excuses of being unfit to start with maybe, but he can't go past anyone and his crossing is pretty woeful.
John Raftery
34 Posted 04/12/2023 at 22:23:02
Gordon scored two goals in August 2022 which helped us earn a point each at Brentford and Leeds. Those points proved vital at the end of the season. The sale in January hopefully will have helped the club balance the accounts for the last financial year.

While I would not go so far as cheering Gordon on his return, I think the inevitable booing will make us look like sad bastards. It will also energise Newcastle. We should focus on supporting our current players rather than jeering former players.

Anthony Dwyer
35 Posted 04/12/2023 at 22:24:57
Haha, fuck that, I'd start Young, get him to kick him til he gets a yellow and on to Coleman for his turn. Then the beauty of the 5 sub rules means I'd put on Patterson and take a 3rd yellow til Gordon has submitted to our aggression.

Not like we can use the subs any better, Dyche doesn't ever use his allocation so might as well make use of them and enjoy them.

Tim Welsh
36 Posted 04/12/2023 at 22:34:21
'The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.' — George Bernard Shaw

Never give them the satisfaction of our contempt.

Treat Gordon like the paparazzi treated Andrew Ridgely.

Gordon is not even a footnote in the history of our club.

Paul Birmingham
37 Posted 04/12/2023 at 22:39:42
Stephen, a very good point: focus on Everton, box clever and save our energy for Everton.

Anthony Gordon is history, reverse psychology and show him Everton have moved on and we don't need him or miss him.

Hopefully with a decent referee and officials, Everton can get a very good 3 points. No doubt they are in good form but so are Everton. Hopefully Everton can convert the chances as they come and open up the Skunks on the counter-attack.

If... and if Everton are clear of the Bottom 3 by the end of 2023, it would be some achievement in the context of what's happened.


Terry Aylward
38 Posted 05/12/2023 at 12:25:28
I wonder if there is anyone on the Newcastle fan sites asking people not to boo or jeer at Pickford?
Dave Abrahams
39 Posted 05/12/2023 at 16:46:42
John (34),Come on John, he helped to get us two points, fair enough, he came on against Southampton with Ashley Cole down his ear, three times telling him "No stupid fuckin' fouls!"

One of the first things he did was make 'a stupid fuckin' foul' just outside the penalty area, Ward-Prowse promptly put the ball into the back of the net, mind you Pickford just stood there like a lamppost as it went past him.

Anthony wasn't fit enough while he was at Everton, couldn't last the 90 minutes if he started the game. He gave quite a few cowardly fouls away and silly bookings to boot.

When he got to Newcastle, he admitted he wasn't fit enough compared to other Newcastle players, think he was dropped/ rested or came on as a sub.

He looks fitter now and seems to be playing well, his obvious potential looks to be bearing fruit.

I'm in the Stephen Vincent camp, Anthony has left the camp, a large dose of indifference is what he'll get from me, we've got bigger things to worry about than a young ex-player.

Tony Abrahams
40 Posted 05/12/2023 at 18:04:16
He's the only young scouser who played for Everton that I've never been able to really take to but, looking at the state of the club's finances, then I'm glad we were able to sell him for so much money.

Jeffers got booed, Rooney got pilloried, Gordon will get slaughtered, and the person who was very influential in selling the three of them, and didn't mind them taking stick off the fans without disclosing the whole truth, got clapped at Goodison after he died the other week.

Dave Cashen
41 Posted 05/12/2023 at 19:05:22
Young boy stitched up.

His agent did him no favours by demanding £100k a week. That's when it went sour.

A handful of scallies did us no favours by chasing him down the street.

Gordon did himself no favours by not turning up at Finch Farm.

As has been often the case. Young local boy with Scally attitude becomes figure of hate. Acrimony assured.

Tony A points an accusing finger in what I believe to be the right direction.

I like Stephen's (OP) thinking, it would be nice to think his return would pass without incident, but that won't happen.
While older fans could do without the sideshow, the younger fans (Gordon's peers) will be determined to ensure he leaves Goodison Park with dog's abuse ringing in his ears all the way back to Tyneside.

Rob Jones
42 Posted 05/12/2023 at 19:50:04
We needed the money. The sale probably saved our bacon. And he stank the joint out in the first half of last season.

However, he went on strike. So fuck him. He refused to do his job. So he deserves no respect. You can blame his agent, but he made his choice.

Danny O’Neill
43 Posted 05/12/2023 at 20:11:20
Focus on Everton.

I have a ticket available if anyone can attend.

The Christmas Tree is up. For whatever reason, she lets me decorate it in blue and white lights and baubles.

See you all there Thursday night and I'll figure out how to get home.

Tony Abrahams
44 Posted 05/12/2023 at 20:19:42
It’s always the players fault, but never the clubs, and we probably feel like this until we reach a certain age Dave C?

Everton to players agent - get the kid to stay away before we sell him please just to make it a bit easier for the club. Ten percent of £45 million = £4.5 million, five percent = £2.25 million. One percent is over £400 thousand, what a fucking job!

Dave Abrahams
45 Posted 06/12/2023 at 17:08:12
Tony (40),

You forgot about Michael Ball and the youngster from Southern Ireland who made the grade with us, but was also sold on by the man who didn't mind letting players take the flack, Richard Dunne.

Peter Warren
46 Posted 06/12/2023 at 19:44:23
I couldn't care less about Gordon. Was pleased when he was sold for a good price. Like Danny, I simply want what's best for Everton.

However, unlike others I would heckle and boo him as much as possible. The reason being he's a jumped-up twerk who will get emotional and likely to do something rash and get sent off.

He has a massive ego; rightly or wrongly; but he will be well pissed getting pelters and I think that more likely will result to our benefit as opposed to our detriment.

Boo and kick him and tell him he's a gobshite, I say.

Oliver Molloy
47 Posted 06/12/2023 at 19:52:14
If he plays, Gordon needs sorting – end of story!
Mike Gaynes
48 Posted 08/12/2023 at 05:19:11
Well, we were ghastly to Gordon today!!

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